Part III
Kyoto Deep Mountainous Area Experience
Morning chill out with Masa & Jacqueline
Train to Tokyo station for Shinkansen travel to Kyoto!!
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Kyoto station, gorgeous open station entrance with cool sculptures
Jump on free WiFi while waiting for bus
Day 1 in the Japanese mountains: Discovery
After riding the local bus through Kyoto northeast city, after the University;
Gorgeous ride through the fall landscape of northeast Kyoto to Keihoku-Shuzancho, Ukyo Ward.
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Upon our arrival, we discovered Kei was away in Tokyo working on a translation project. As a translator and editor, he periodically travels around Japan with international visitors. Though we were hoping to meet Kei, the lovely and intelligent Midori was a formidable hostess.
Midori picked us up from the bus station in her big Land Cruiser;
First we went shopping at the local market with fresh vegetables picked from the surrounding area; Kyoto area is very famous for large radishes.
Other options included wild boar and venison pre-prepared dishes,or dine in the market restaurant.
There are local artisanal crafts and organic household products for sale, a lot of them made from the cedar wood the area is famous for.
Very Big Sur meets Whole Foods feeling!

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Hosts Midori & Kei have a lovely house with traditional tatami rooms.

The atmosphere is very comfortable, local, and very friendly.
Midori & Kei moved from ether respective Kobe & Tokyo home towns to contribute to the Ukyo Ward mountain area in order to benefit the local industry by increasing tourism.
We collected items for cooking together;
That evening the three of us had a lovely hot pot meal and lengthy discussion of personal and world affairs.
It was relaxing, stimulating, and a great cultural experience.

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This area primarily survives off of the cedar wood industry, where all of the timber used to furnish Kyoto’s multitude of temples and shrines comes from. As the price for wood becomes lower and lower, the local industry that has been strong for centuries has began to suffer. Competition among the private companies makes it difficult for the local people to collaborate on community projects to build awareness and drive for tourists to visit the area. Thus outsiders from all around Japan have settled in the area over the recent years to enrich the community with their skills and expertise.
For a young couple like Midori & Kei, this represents a great opportunity to be successful in their unique skill sets while providing a tranquil, beautiful slow-paced area to call home.
We discussed the adventures we would have the following day, depending on what the locals were up to.
Book a stay and tour with Midori and Kei via Airbnb: